Northeastern University: Digital & Print

Digital Brochure

This 63-page digital brochure was created to promote Northeastern University's Dialogue of Civilizations study abroad program, which includes more than 50 month long trips to more than 30 countries around the globe. This brochure has been distributed internally at Northeastern, but has primarily been used as a promotional and educational tool for study abroad programs at other universities around the country. My work for this project included the complete design of brochure styling, illustrations, and hyperlinking for interactive PDF distribution. I was also responsible for extensive photo research and selection, including personal photos from my participation in Dialogues to Cuba, Greece, and Spain. See a sampling of pages within the brochure below:

Printed Swag

I was hired to create a t-shirt and tote bag design to match the styling I created for the 2015 digital brochure. This t-shirt was distributed to all participants in the 2015 summer Dialogue of Civilizations programs.

Promotional Postcards


Youth Wellness Campaign: Social & Print